
The debugger allows usage of basic expressions. Apart from calculations, it allows variable assignment using a C-like syntax. You can play around with expressions by typing them in the command bar, or using the calculator (Help -> Calculator menu).


All values can be used as constants in expressions, see Values for more information and examples.


You can use the following operators in your expression. They are processed in the following order:

  1. parentheses/brackets: (1+2), [1+6] have priority over other operations.
  2. unary minus/binary not/logical not: -1 (negative 1), ~1 (binary not of 1), !0 (logical not of 0).
  3. multiplication/division: 2*3 (regular multiplication), 2`3 (gets high part of the multiplication), 6/3 (regular division), 5%3 (modulo/remainder of the division).
  4. addition/subtraction: 1+3 (addition), 5-2 (subtraction).
  5. left/right shift/rotate: 1<<2 (shift left, shl for unsigned, sal for signed), 10>>1 (shift right, shl for unsigned, sal for signed), 1<<<2 (rotate left), 1>>>2 (rotate right).
  6. smaller (equal)/bigger (equal): 4<10, 3>6, 1<=2, 6>=7 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  7. equal/not equal: 1==1, 2!=6 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  8. binary and: 12&2 (regular binary and).
  9. binary xor: 2^1 (regular binary xor).
  10. binary or: 2|8 (regular binary or).
  11. logical and: 0&&3 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  12. logical or: 0||3 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  13. logical implication: 0->1 (resolved to 1 if true, 0 if false).


Changing memory, a variable, register or flag can be easily done using a C-like syntax:

  • a?=b where ? can be any non-logical operator. a can be any register, flag, variable or memory location. b can be anything that is recognized as an expression.
  • a++/a-- where a can be any register, flag, variable or memory location.


You can use functions in expressions. See Expression Functions for the documentation of these functions.