
The debugger allows usage of basic expressions. Apart from calculations, it allows variable assignment using a C-like syntax. You can play around with expressions by typing them in the command bar, or using the calculator (Help -> Calculator menu).


All values can be used as constants in expressions, see values for more information and examples.

Warning: All numbers in expressions are interpreted as hex by default! For decimal use .123.


You can use the following operators in your expression. They are processed in the following order:

  1. parentheses/brackets: (1+2), [1+6] have priority over other operations.
  2. unary minus/binary not/logical not: -1 (negative 1), ~1 (binary not of 1), !0 (logical not of 0).
  3. multiplication/division: 2*3 (regular multiplication), 2`3 (gets high part of the multiplication), 6/3 (regular division), 5%3 (modulo/remainder of the division).
  4. addition/subtraction: 1+3 (addition), 5-2 (subtraction).
  5. left/right shift/rotate: 1<<2 (shift left, shl for unsigned, sal for signed), 10>>1 (shift right, shl for unsigned, sal for signed), 1<<<2 (rotate left), 1>>>2 (rotate right).
  6. smaller (equal)/bigger (equal): 4<10, 3>6, 1<=2, 6>=7 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  7. equal/not equal: 1==1, 2!=6 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  8. binary and: 12&2 (regular binary and).
  9. binary xor: 2^1 (regular binary xor).
  10. binary or: 2|8 (regular binary or).
  11. logical and: 0&&3 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  12. logical or: 0||3 (resolves to 1 if true, 0 if false).
  13. logical implication: 0->1 (resolved to 1 if true, 0 if false).


Changing memory, a variable, register or flag can be easily done using a C-like syntax:

  • a?=b where ? can be any non-logical operator. a can be any register, flag, variable or memory location. b can be anything that is recognized as an expression.
  • a++/a-- where a can be any register, flag, variable or memory location.


You can use functions in expressions. See expression functions for the documentation of these functions.