
This menu contains the following actions. You cannot use any of these menu items except “Restart” and “Command” when you are not debugging.


Execute the command run/go/r/g.

Run (Pass exceptions)

Execute the command erun/ego/er/eg.

Run (swallow exception)

Execute the command serun/sego.

Run until selection

Place a single-shoot software breakpoint at the selected instruction, and then execute the command run/go/r/g to run the debuggee.

Run until expression

Enter an address. The debugger will then place a software breakpoint at that address, and then execute the command run/go/r/g to run the debuggee.


Try to pause the debuggee when it is running, or try to stop animation. The command for this action is pause.


Execute the command InitDebug/initdbg/init with the most recent used file.


Execute the command StopDebug/stop/dbgstop.

Change Command Line

Display the current command line arguments of the debuggee in a dialog, and allow you to change it. The command line arguments will be saved in the database for later use.

Step Into

Execute the command StepInto/sti.

Step Into (pass exceptions)

Execute the command eStepInto/esti.

Step Into (swallow exception)

Execute the command seStepInto/sesti.

Step Into (source)

Step into, until another source line is reached. The command for this menu entry is TraceIntoConditional src.line(cip) && !src.disp(cip).

Trace into until condition

Enter an expression. The debugger will execute the command TraceIntoConditional/ticnd. Also see Expressions for the legal expression format.

Animate into

Execute StepInto/sti command at a steady frequency automatically.

Step Over

Execute the command StepOver/step/sto/st.

Step Over (pass exceptions)

Execute the command eStepOver/estep/esto/est.

Step Over (swallow exception)

Execute the command seStepOver/sestep/sesto/sest.

Step Over (source)

Step over, until another source line is reached. The command for this menu entry is TraceOverConditional src.line(cip) && !src.disp(cip).

Run to User Code

Execute the command RunToUserCode/rtu.

Trace over until condition

Enter an expression. The debugger will execute the command TraceOverConditional/tocnd. Also see Expressions for the legal expression format.

Animate over

Execute StepOver/step/sto/st command at a steady frequency automatically.

Execute till return

Step over the instructions, until the current instruction pointed to by EIP or RIP is ret instruction.

The command for this action is StepOut/rtr.

Execute till return (pass exceptions)

Step over the instructions, until the current instruction pointed to by EIP or RIP is ret instruction. This instruction passes first-chance exceptions to the debuggee but swallows second-chance exceptions.

The command for this action is eStepOut/ertr.

Skip next instruction

Execute the command skip.

Animate command

Pop up a dialog to enter a command, and execute that command at a steady frequency.

Trace Coverage

Undo last instruction

Execute the command InstrUndo.


Set focus to the command box at the bottom of the window, so that you can enter a command to execute.

Hide debugger (PEB)

Execute the command HideDebugger/dbh/hide.